Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Save our Planet! - but I still need that air con... sorry!

Another online letter from ST forum (Wednesday, 19 July 2006) that caught my eyes...

Cut down on air-con consumption for cleaner air

I LIVE in a more than 50-year-old bungalow with my 90-year-old father. We do not have any air-cons but, within spitting distance, our upgraded neighbours do, cooling their all-glassed-up semi-detached bungalows, 10 air-cons each. (I sleep under a mosquito net and do not need a fan, my father sleeps under a ceiling fan and does not need a net.)

My friend lives in an HDB flat in Serangoon and does not need an air-con but all her neighbours have their windows shut and air-cons going full blast every night.

Reading in The Straits Times that Hong Kong officials are told to dress down for cleaner air and that air-cons, spewing out pollution, accounted for about one-third of Hong Kong's total electricity consumption ('Dress down for cleaner air, HK officials told'; ST, July 13) makes me ask: 'Well, what about Singapore?'

A popular air-con brand has boldly advertised that it is 100 per cent eco-friendly.

Pest busting companies - fogging pesticides and contributing to Singapore's 'slow killing PM 2.5 (ultra fine air pollutants)' - also blatantly advertise on their vans that they 'protect the environment'.

Get in a taxi, bus or train (during off peak hours) and one freezes. In the Central Business District, one sees office workers dress as if we live in a temperate, not tropical, climate.

It is surely time for a sustained national campaign to make everyone aware that each of us contributes to the overall pollution level in Singapore - and how we can, by a simple change of habits, do our bit to improve our air quality and our health. Note that the asthma death rate here is nearly six times higher than that of Sweden ('Fewer here dying of asthma now'; ST, May 19).

Suggestion No. 1: Increase the cost of electricity in executive and five-room HDB flats and make it proportionally even higher in private homes.

Suggestion No. 2: Train retirees as environmental patrol officers to note down the registration numbers of vehicles (especially diesel-spewing vans, trucks and lorries) that leave the engine running while they make a stop - and the duration of time the engine is kept running with the air-con on.

Betty L. Khoo (Ms)

Excellent piece of work there! Go green! Save our Environment! Save our Planet!

Firstly, Ms. Khoo informed us that she stays in a bungalow... Ok! Rich chick. Note her father is 90 yrs old, and should be retired, and remember this point. Then she mentioned about fans and mosquito nets. I mean, who cares about whether she needs a fan or not. But the big majority of us need this wind blowing equipment as Singapore is bloody hot what! Ms Khoo has a friend in Serangoon who doesn't require air-con... again... who cares?! We need it when it's really hot! Then she goes on... blar blar blar... the interesting part is coming... the suggestions.

"1. Increase the cost of electricity..." Wah lau eh! As if the cost of electricity is not high enough. I'm beginning to think that she has an agenda here... and I don't like it, you know. She from gahment or wat....

Ok, suggestion no. 2.

"2. Train retirees as environmental patrol officers..." you see, she has an agenda.... she wants to help her dad to get a job.... hmm... Retirees should remain retired else they are not consider as retirees, right? (getting a little confuse myself)
And I think she has something against diesel driven commercial vehicles. Is it because that the cost of diesel is lower? Not really that much of a difference you know, when you take consideration of the petrol kiosk discount (and price war!) and loyalty points... etc. I think the petrol driven cars are equally environmental unfriendly and some of the drivers of the petrol driven cars are equally guilty of stopping the vehicles, having the engine running and leaving the air-con on ... but she didn't seem to remember that fact. She probably drives one herself, and conveniently leaves it out. Remember, she's a rich chick.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Retro Bike

Hey! Take a look at this interesting retro looking scooter.

Take a closer look at the basket which is used as the storage compartment.


My England Not Powderful leh

I found an interesting online letter from ST forum. I have a little problem digesting some ... ok, a little more than some, of the words... my england not powderful. So, I have decided to put it down, and spend a little more time to see if I can really digest it and learn some really bombastic (to my standard, it is bombastic) words.

Sorry my words were too gargantuan, elephantine, Brobdingnagian

MR MARK Lee Marn Fatt has taken issue with my 'big' words which appear to irritate him ('Letter writer used too many big words'; ST Online Forum, July 14). I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to his pleasure of digesting the Forum fare. Is there a redolence (hope it's not another big word) of intolerance? Mr Lee said there were no fewer than nine big words with a Latin phrase thrown in for good measure. What, may I ask, is 'good measure'?

Here we have a phrase 'good measure' which by its specific form in semantics refers to an interpretation which is, by and large, denotative and antithetic toconnotative. Now, the word 'antithetic' (big word?) removes the phrase of three words 'in opposition to'. The Latin phrase is by nature a similarity to 'good measure' which, by denotation, exemplifies the universal acceptance of hard work or painful sacrifice as the price to success.

Mr Lee says he cannot find 'feracity' in the dictionaries mentioned. It means productive or fruitful. The adjective is feracious. The word 'abundance' suggested by him, to replace feracity, means 'plentiful, copious, overflowing'. What I meant was closer to fruitful than to copious. More to a tree which, unchecked, in maturity, produces the fruit of Singlish.

Mr Lee argues that the big words detract from the argument. He may be right, depending on the individual and the idiosyncrasy. But, at the same time, the distraction comes from vocabulary. Can it not be seen, as in the case of my letter, as a chance to increase vocabulary rather than a distraction? If we take the semantics of the word 'idiosyncrasy', just used, we have a single word that encompasses tendency, characteristic, mode of expression, peculiar to an individual (dictionary). Therefore, a knowledge of the word dismisses the explanation of tendency, proclivity or tendentiousness.

Big words are not the distraction. A smaller vocabulary is. Singlish, on the other hand, tends to go to the other end of economy. It cuts off connective words to produce things like 'can do or not?' and 'have or not?' Singlish is simpler but in its simplicity it, paradoxically, becomes incomprehensible to speakers of universally spoken English (an accepted standard). The Government recognises this and is firm on any incursions made to change the standard to substandard. Malaysia also recognises the delitescent danger of substandard English.

Be this as it may, Mr Lee asks that the Forum print letters comprise simple words. Whatever happened to freedom of expression as a writer sees fit? If one is always exposed to simple words, how will vocabulary grow? If one is always exposed to simple problems, how will one be trained in cognition to solve complex problems?

May I ask Mr Lee, why the complexity of Mark before his name? Would not Lee Marn Fatt suffice? It all boils down to tolerance and the right of anyone to write, or name himself, as he sees fit, provided he infracts no law, sumptuary or otherwise. Anyway, in my small way, with my big words, I have increased Mr Lee's vocabulary.

Dudley Au

... ok... where shall we start? I think I'll go and borrow my lady's Oxford - Advanced Learner's Dictionary and look up each words!

Let's start from the Subject heading...

1. Gargantuan: adj. [usually before noun] - extremely large: a gargantuan appetite
2. Elephantine: adj. (formal or humorous) very large and CLUMSY; like an elephant
3. Brobdingnagian: I cannot find it in the dictionary leh
4. Redolence: noun - Redolent: adj. [not before a noun] ~ of/with sth (literary) 1. making you think of the thing mentioned: an atmosphere redolent of the sea and ships 2. smelling strongly of the thing mentioned: a kitchen redolent with the smell of baking
5. Antithetic: our author has exlained the word in the above, which is 1. the opposite of sth, the noun is Antithesis: Love is the antithesis of selfishness. 2. a contrast between two things: There is an antithesis between the needs of the state and the needs of the people.
6. Feracity: I cannot find it in the dictionary, but author has explained that means productive or fruitful. Adj. Feracious.

... phew... this is a tough job man! There are some more words which I am not particular sure of but can "make wild guesses out of it" kind of words which I did not include... else, it'll take ages before I can post this entry.

What can I make out of this letter which the author is basically argueing that her words used are appropriate and not too big for the forum readers. By writing in her own free way and will, she's able to help readers improve the standard of their English.

... nah... I think she's just showing off her language ability and at the same time insulting others who are not as good.

My england not powderful, and if all the materials are written in this form... I'll never improve since it'll take too long a time for me to finish such a short essay, and I know myself loh... I'll not finish reading it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

of Expanding Visions

excerpts from Mr. Wang's blog on Expending Visions:

See? I'm not the only weirdo around who thinks that blogging can effect positive change. And so, finally, I come to the purpose of my present post. I am assuming that you personally hold at least some version of the vision of Cobalt Paladin and my own - that individual bloggers on the Internet can make a difference and effect positive changes in our society. And I am further assuming that you want to be a part of that vision. So I will share with you some ideas on how to do that.

1. Blog. Do it regularly. Expand beyond personal trivia (that is, not just about what you ate for lunch). Write especially on your areas of expertise, the topics on which you particularly have experience, knowledge or insight. Be sharply aware that you DO have such areas of expertise.

2. Build a readership. Get noticed. Your blog is useless if no one reads it. Ping yourself to a wider audience. If you've written something intelligent, email The Intelligent Singaporean and let the editor know. Get yourself Tomorrow'd. Also, go to more-popular blogs, leave comments & links and get yourself noticed.

3. When you come across other worthy blogs or posts, tell others about it. How? Blogroll the worthy blogs. Hyperlink to worthy posts. A lot of the potential power of the blogosphere lies in the power of hyperlinking. Bloggers grow when they help each other to grow. Remember the vision. It's not just about you.

4. In the blogosphere, be a discussion. Don't be a monologue. If you want to write about Event X, don't just write about Event X. Do a bit of research first. Find out what other bloggers are already writing about Event X - what their views and opinions are. Then add your own personal views; say why you agree or why you disagree; expand on their points; offer relevant data or information; ask questions. Blogging is a community.

So inspirational!! Reading these intelligent blogs' entries can really expand our thoughts and provide motivation to really look into social issues seriously. I think... better than reading the ST! Ha!

Your vote counts!

Have been watching those TV programs which require viewers to vote for their favourite singer/band so as to keep them in the running for the top prize in that particular competition.

Was wondering whether we can vote ppl out of the competition instead, since some ppl didn't deserve to be in the competition in the first place.

What?! You want names?!.... no lah.... wait I get hate mails from the fans of MiLuPin... dun wan lah...

Oops!... MiLuPin good! Very cute! Pattern alot! No... they dun always sing slowly and then change to rock version... no! They solid! Their skills tok-kong!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Tissues and umbrellas

Was at Amoy's street hawker center during lunch time and I have made a great discovery... that tissue papers and umbrellas are much more useful than they used to be. They're used for "choping" or booking sits. Hmm... how creative Singaporeans can be?

Oh...and yes, people are as rude as ever. I'm surprised that people no longer say: "Excuse me, is this sit taken?" or something similar. They will just drop their umbrellas and tissue papers and off they go to queue up at their favourite stalls. Either they are extremely hungry, or I look like an alien and no point asking this strange looking beast. And I'm talking about white collars, office executives... If it was raining at that time, I would have taken the umbrella and said: "Thanks!"

Blogging for dummies - like me

I was in the library with my lady this afternoon. I noticed straight away that there's a nice cafe tucked in the corner of the library and that's the only place that interest me in the library. That speaks alot about me isn't it. Yap... not a very book-worm person.

But I managed to crawl to the section where there's books for IT/computers softwares...etc. I found one interesting one.

"Blogging for Dummies" - I need that.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Flyers, pls fly away! Strangers, pls go away!

I really have this urge to put a sign on my door.


And similarly, I really have this urge to put a sign on my van and car.


Kana Summon - yes, again!

The "aunties" nows-a-day, very the ON. Never in my life I kana summons, 2 days in a row.

$10 poorer this time.

Like what ws commented, take it as negative karma being expended. It's negative karma (to the power of 2) being expended in 2 days. Wow!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Kana Summon

When I came down from my parents flat at around 4.15pm, I saw 2 "aunties" strolling among the cars and happily keying down their particulars and issueing summons. I thought to myself: "Heng man! If I were to come down 5 mins later, I sure kana."

I quickly ran towards my van and to my disappointment, I saw a piece of white paper under the wiper. I took it, stare at it for a moment. Time of Offence: 4.11pm. A few minutes too late.

$20 poorer.

I would usually curse and swear but today... I was calm. I thought: "Nei mind. Auntie also doing her job... but she very very hardworking. Saw her around 12.30pm at the same carpark, came back around 4pm... very ON."

Well, maybe the chanting last night at Bright Hill (Kwang Ming Shan) didn't help me to "siam" the summon, but at least, I am able to take it in my strike and move on. Hmm... not bad. * Pat on the back*

Monday, July 10, 2006

World Cup Final - ZZ saw red but still wins the Golden Ball

Well, anyone who watched the World Cup Final between Italy and France will understand this whole new meaning to the word - Heading. France captain Zinedine Zidane was sent off for head-butting Italy's Marco Materazzi - on the chest. What was he thinking, or rather... not thinking? That poor Italian must have some bones cracked in the rib cage after getting the full force "heading" from ZZ. And the irony is... ZZ still won the Golden Ball as the outstanding player of the World Cup. I wonder what reception he got when his name was called up the podium to receive the award and what was going on in his mind... hmmm... " pai seh... pai seh... i still got award har?"

Write like a Doc

Do you think they teach this subject called: "How to write like a Doctor" in the medical school? So far, all the doctors that I came across, scribbles. I doubt the nurses can figure out everytime without misinterpretation of wat the heck these doctors are writing about. How to "prescibe" the proper medication to the patient?

Digital Camera - up and down again

My digital camera's back... only for me to find out that I could not download my photos to the pc. Nabeiz, need to send it back to the hospital again.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Coco's first period

Went to my parent's place today, and found out that Coco (a 7mth old bitch - Jack Russell) is having her 1st period. Poor puppy must be thinking: "what the hell is that?"

My poor mother is like cleaning every drops of blood that Coco's leaking. I suggested the pad - just like the ones used by a woman. She gave me the "are you sure got such thing" look...

I really dunno, but will try to find out. Anybody with an answer?

Both Coco and Mocha are Kelvin's pet dogs. Mocha is 3 yrs old - i think, an Aussie (since born in Australia) and Coco should be a Singaporean - mystery pet that turns up at our place when Mummy's touring Taiwan. Sorry hor, no photo of them since my Canon Powershot A85 is in the hospital. I'll post their pictures when I get my camera back. I wonder... if Kelvin's got to have another pet, will he name it Milo? Kopi? Tae-si? hee...

Ok... back to Coco's first period... I wonder how often she's gonna have the period and how long it'll last. I hope not it's not a monthly thing like a woman, else, very very the troublesome liao.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Kelvin's AIO printer - down

Went down to HP customer service center with Kelvin today. His newly bought, 1 month old AIO printer is not working properly.

First impression on the service center:
1. Better than the Canon one that I went to last week, like more professional (got receptionist help us press queue ticket somemore)
2. Got Coffee machine that makes:
i. black coffee w/o sugar
ii. black coffee with sugar
iii. coffee with milk and sugar
iv. Milo
...etc.. I think got a few more... but me, a coffee drinker, stops at the coffee with milk and sugar.
3. Got biscuits to go with coffee
4. Got Computer for internet surfing
5. Got couches, normal sits and tables...

...hmm... comfortable leh...

Their customer service officers must be quite slow or their returns of products for servicing must be quite high, that's why they make that place so comfy.

Our queue number is 5003 (and currently serving 5001)... How long did we wait? About 30mins.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

World Cup: England vs. Portugal

This is a conversation that I just had with my lady while watching the Italy vs. Ukraine (replay).

Hakkaboyz: "Who do you think will win tonight? England or Portual?"
My lady:" I think they will end up as a draw."
Hakkaboyz:"Wah! What makes you think Portugal can force England to a draw. England are favourites for the game leh!"
My lady:"Portugal quite good what! It has Luis Garcie in the team!"
Hakkaboyz: (Laughs loudly!) "Luis Garcie is from Spain. But I think I will follow your prediction."

Lizard Lair

I have been spotting tiny lizards in my house recently. Couldn't bring myself to kill them, as I'm a firm believer of the Buddhist teaching. I thought, if I could clean the house better, keep it tidier, these living things will probably find a better place to stay.

But no loh... they seems to have multiply. They are everywhere... living room, master bedroom, kitchen.. I am refering to their tiny shits. It's like keeping pets and you have to clean after them. Shit!

Termination letter from Propnex

I joined Propnex with an aspiration of becoming the next Denise Wee. But I didn't succeed. In fact, I was so bad that they have to terminate me. Below is my response to the HR with regards to my termination.

Dear Jo (I have changed the name to protect the interest of the party),

I refer to the termination letter dtd 26 June 2006 that is being issued to me, Hakkaboyz. I would like to confirm that I am no longerinterested to be with the Company. The fact is, I do not know which Company(PropNex Realty Pte Ltd/PN Realty Pte Ltd - aren't they the same?) I belong to anyway, since I have yet to complete even 1 transaction during my days being associated with the Company. I used to be with Ambience, if I did not remember wrongly.

I would like to confirm that I do not have any items that belongs to the Company, and that includes any:
1. ID Tag
2. Lanyard (wat's that?)
3. Commission forms
4. Option to purchase
5. Inventory List
6. Exclusive Forms

I would like to confirm that I do not have any outstanding commission that is due to me from the Company or any Exclusives or outstanding transactions that are not completed. I will sign the forms that are being attached with the letter and fax it back to you. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do. And yes... please take me off the SMS list.

Thanks and Best Regards,