Thursday, July 26, 2007

Taking a break

Business is unusually poor this 2 weeks. I'm wondering whether it has to do with that extra 2% of GST... Well, I take it as a well deserved break for awhile. Hope this will not last too long, else hakkagal will start to notice more white hair on my head.

I'm taking a break on the stock market as well... Damn that Wednesday's announcement by gahment... Those shares that I was "playing" got a little tired. I need a little time for recovery. Damn it!

For now, I'm preparing (mentally and of cos other preparation) for my next week business trip to China. Never really like it when I'm travelling... Firstly, need to endure the 4 hrs flight... then the hotel, the food, the walking, the negotiation...etc We are not talking about MNC here which we can travel at least on SQ, stay at a 4 star hotel, eat at proper restaurants... etc I travel on Budget airline - Tiger Airways, stay at budget hotels (similar to Hotel81.. maybe even more economical) and eat at roadside stalls... Boy, I'm going to miss home.

And yes, we will be having a jamming session (bloody long overdue) this Saturday @ Boon's Studio. Hopefully, we can have a decent sesison! Oh... I forgot to include my new piece of intrument... I traded in my Yamaha Bass to a 2nd-hand Fender custom. The condition is still very good and the sound is ... mm... warm. The Yamaha one has been giving me problem and it'll cost some $ to get it fixed... might as well loh. Have been playing it this few days to have a feel of it, and at the same time, practice my fingerings and technics. The joints are abit stiff but I think with some time, it should get better. And yes.... that Thai song from Big Ass - ... nice "Gert-Mah-Kae-Ruk-Gun"... should be jamming this song this weekend.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Investment / Punting update

Contra-ed Aqua Terra @ $0.49 last week. Profit of $635.98 to be shared with Hakkagal.

As for Datapulse & Frontline... still holding. Same for Miyoshi and Popular... holding.

Popular's final report of their performace is slightly below expectation and have declared dividend of 0.7cents - work out to be $7 per 1000 shares. Don't think will wait till the exercised date for the dividend - somewhere in Sep'07. As long as there's abit of movement, I'll let it go.