Hakkagal and myself got off on the wrong foot early in the morning. Apparently, our "5 triple 1"'s battery went flat. She had forgotten to switched off the lights - not the headlamp, just the interior lights. She panicked and woke me up so that I can send her to work. I was grumpy (since I haven't got my cup of coffee) and probably said something stupid. We didn't speak a word throughout the journey to Pasir Ris.
Since it was Ryanne's 1st anniversary, I thought of visiting her at KMS - Hall of Gratitude. So, I dated Hakkagal to visit our daughter on Valentine's day... ok, jokes aside... I couldn't bear to listen to the radio yesterday. You know... all they're playing was love songs plus the CNY songs which weren't appropriate at all for me. Anyway, we visited Ryanne, stayed for awhile, talked to her a little before we left. Didn't do much after that. I watched my rented Prison Break VCD at night - (next season, it'll be DVD man... can't take the quality of VCD liao), Hakkagal, as usual, knocked off by 10pm (kudos to her... had to wake up at 5am every morning to tend to Rayden). It' not until after midnight, yah, 15 Feb 07... that I whisper "Happy Valentine's Day" to her. Dunno she heard it or not... doesn't matter lah.
(pictures put together by hakkagal)

Dear Ryanne,
I hope you are happy whereever you maybe. Things have changed alot since you were last here. You are a Big Sister now. Papa, together with Gong Gong and Po Po had started a shop in AMK. Things are looking good for us... Wished you were here. Just want to let you know that you are still in my mind and heart, and whenever Papa sing some of your favourite songs to your Di Di, there'll still be tears in my eyes. Hope to see you in my dreams... So long now, Ryanne.
Love you always,