Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006! Welcome 2007!

As the year 2006 is coming to an end, I think it is meaningful to recap the key events of this roller coaster year for me and for those who are close to me.

Jan/Feb' 06
- realised that my lady was pregnant again (with Rayden)
- celebrated Ryanne's 1st birthday

- happiness was shortlived as, Ryanne past away few days later

- went over to China for a trade fair with my Dad

- went over to China again, this time with Alex and stayed over at his apartment (hee... free)

- shop hunting, and found one

- wrote my virgin blog
- world cup fever

- grand opening of shop

- Rayden was born! .. so was Rachel (shon's bb) in fact, a day apart only

- Reservist - siong siong ATEC included
- Sherilyn (jw's bb) was born

- China trip again, this time met up with an army friend who runs a logistic firm
- gahmen announced GST to be increased to 7%... tew!
- 子敬 (ang's bb) was born

- planning for my next business trip in Jan'07
- recapping 2006...

anyway... cheers to all (ok lah... don't think there's alot of "fans" but at least got a handful lah!)who read this blog.

Best wishes for the new year!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rayden - 4 month old baby

Dear Rayden,

Your routine is getting pretty stable now and we more or less know what you want when you fuss and make noises. Clever right?

0800-0830: wakes up, pee&/poo, bathe
0830-0930: drink milk milk, play and gets ready to go to the shop
1000-1800: In the shop - sleep, wakes up, *pee&/poo, *drink milk milk, play... this routine repeats itself
1900-2100: Back home - cleaned up, * pee&/poo, * drink milk milk, play, wind down for the day and sleep

0000-0100: sometimes, wakes up for anther feed

whatever happens later than that, is a mystery. Ask your mummy. But I'm always very curious how you end up next to me when I woke up in the morning...

Love you,

* note - this can be interchangable and it may happens at the same time.

flapping your arms and kicking wildly - means:
you are very excited and want to play some more; also means, it'll be more fun if you can pick me up

prone position looking into the camera - thinking: hey! why am I in this position again?! and why you keep aiming that thing at me?

Friday, December 29, 2006

子敬's full month celebration on 17th Dec

Look! Little 子敬 has grown quite abit, hasn't he? Sorry for the late post on this... better late than never.

It was a busy busy day for Ang and Qiqi for there's lots of guests on that day.... but can see that they were very very happy!

Welcome on board to this long, eventful and exciting journey of parenthood, guys!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Lancerlord is back!

I suspect Lancerlord read my last posting... He's found or rather .... back. Welcome back, Lancerlord.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Finding Lancerlord

I noticed that lancerlord's last entry was back in 25 Sept 06. Wondering what had happened to him? I was inspired by him to blog in the first place... Did he changed his car? Since his name was inspired by his car, a Mitsubishi Lancer. So went to google and checked for... hondahunk... toyotaking...etc... but was unsuccessful.

Remembered that he has a flickr site where he kept his photos. Went there and found out that his last update was very recent, in December. Felt alittle relieved that this old friend is still alive. Maybe just busy... or very very busy?

Update your blog leh, lancerlord!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Concert ABC

Went for a free concert few days ago... complimentry ticket given to me by the hairdresser next door to our shop. I believed her sister works for Singtel or something.
陈升, 品冠 and 五月天 were the performing artistes.

把悲伤留给自己 and 风筝 sound familiar? Yah... those were just a couple of the great songs belted out by 陈升. He is a solid performer and he entertained the mass audiences even though he knew most of them were here for the latter performers.
The songs from 陈升 were the only ones I can sing along and relate to.... Seriously, I'm getting old. Those little girls behind me thought so also.

Ang and QiQi's lovely baby

Welcome to this world, baby 郑子敬! I think the meaning of the name is that - son must be filial to the parents... something like that.

This picture taken a few days after birth and he should be bigger now, i think. We'll see ... coming 17 Dec, the full month celebration.

See you soon, Baby Tee!

Botak Ray

Dear Rayden,

We gave you a new hair cut on Sunday. It's a combine effort from 婆婆, mummy and papa. That's why I use "we".

Not bad huh for non-professional people like us, but ... no... no... don't look behind.... not our fault, Rayden. Who ask you keep moving...

Love you always... no matter what hairstyle you have,