Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rayden - 4 month old baby

Dear Rayden,

Your routine is getting pretty stable now and we more or less know what you want when you fuss and make noises. Clever right?

0800-0830: wakes up, pee&/poo, bathe
0830-0930: drink milk milk, play and gets ready to go to the shop
1000-1800: In the shop - sleep, wakes up, *pee&/poo, *drink milk milk, play... this routine repeats itself
1900-2100: Back home - cleaned up, * pee&/poo, * drink milk milk, play, wind down for the day and sleep

0000-0100: sometimes, wakes up for anther feed

whatever happens later than that, is a mystery. Ask your mummy. But I'm always very curious how you end up next to me when I woke up in the morning...

Love you,

* note - this can be interchangable and it may happens at the same time.

flapping your arms and kicking wildly - means:
you are very excited and want to play some more; also means, it'll be more fun if you can pick me up

prone position looking into the camera - thinking: hey! why am I in this position again?! and why you keep aiming that thing at me?

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