Ok ok... It's been more than 1 month since my last posting. Many things had changed since then.
CBPL participated in Cosmobeaute Indonesia in Jakarta for the first time. My auntie who had cancer, passed away, on the 6 Sept - the day we reached Jakarta. We, CBPL advertised for the first time in Zaobao and Wanbao for New Stock Arrival Offer. Rayden now can walk, run and imitate sounds he heard... e.g. motorcycle, areoplanes..etc.
I'll talk about the passing of my auntie first. She was admitted to SGH's ICU with her lung full of fluid. The doctor mentioned that her days were limited. I visited her on the Monday or Tuesday, the exact day, I couldn't remember before our departure to Indonesia on Thursday - 6 Sept. She looked weak but I sensed she has a strong will to live. She has grown so thin that she's almost unrecognisable. It was not a pleasant sight and I am pretty upset over it. We were in the hotel when we received the news from hakkagal that she has passed away. Thus, my father, my brother and myself didn't get to send her off on her last journey. Auntie San has been a great relative to us. Well, she's actually very careful with her money - or to put it bluntly, sometimes she's very stingy. But she'll never stinge on her children and even on us and to those she care. When we are about to set up our shop, we didn't even ask and she offered her financial assistance immediately. She's a great parent to her children, sometimes, I felt that she has gone too far, done too much.... but that's her. Auntie San, you'll be deeply missed and whereever you may be, may you find peace and happiness and I'm sure you'll look over your family and those you cared from far. Bye bye Auntie San.
Cosmobeaute Indonesia.... we thought it'll be a great event, but... who knows which level eat $ until little promotion was done. Thus, the staff of the exhibitors, organizers, and contractors more than the visitors. Got abit of tulanz on their custom policy too.... You see... if you see any on the equipment, the customer has to wait for 3 weeks as the goods have to wait in the bonded warehouse for the custom to clear. Somemore.... the customer has to pay, import licence fee US$150, and handling charges of US$100.... meanwhile the equipment cost less than the above mentioned charges... WTF! You think customer will pay and wait for their goods? Some mentioned that they rather buy it in Singapore and handcarry back ... without paying those stupid $.
We have finally invested money on advertising. And the response is not too bad. Some of my promotion goods flew off the shelves - or floor rather.... since most are too big for the shelves. Think we will continue to invest on this area of marketing.
Now for my dear Rayden.... I don't think I need to train for IPPT. Just chase after him, carry him .... can do the job. He is running all over the place - at home, in the shop, outside.... just have to be extra careful with him. He'll make the motorcycle "rooooommmmm" sound, areoplane "ssssssssssssssssss" sound... he is so so funny. Will post it next time.
Ok, got to go... very busy leh.