Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Boy, you can drink!

Dear Rayden,

It seems to me that you have quite an appetite. It took your sister's whole life's effort to even go anywhere near to how much you are taking now. You're taking in around 100ml per feed (formula milk - Similac) and it'll only last you around 3hrs (max). If it's on mummy's breast milk(we don't know how much is it - since you latched on; and we still yet to have another breast pump - since the last one was not functioning anymore), it'll probably last you an hour and a half (max). Boy, you can drink!

Mummy's recording your "Ins and Outs" using a record book (which mummy used to do for your sister as well) and we realised that Rachel's mummy is doing that too.

Ok, that's all for this entry.

Love you,


tkwee said...

Hi joining in the fun... said...

drink drink drink...goooooood...can drink is good life! sux it dry boy!