Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Final High Key ICT

It's ICT time again tomorrow and it'll be (hopefully) the final high-key one - with an ATEC thrown into it as well. So, it's a very high, high-key (tomorrow till 30 Sept).

It's a chore to pack for ICT. You start to realise that you are short of singlets, shorts and socks...etc. You start to call up brothers asking whether they have extras... well, if have, the size may not fit.

It's also quite funny when you start to take out the fullpacks and SBOs. You start to dig out funny stuffs in the SBOs (which, by right... supposed to be cleared long time ago)... e.g. tissues, insect repellant, some extra ration which was brought along for the previous mission of the previous in-camp. Disgusting.

What's my feeling now?....

Meeting up with old army friends is actually quite an enjoyable experience, but I just hope that IPPTs and 3 days - 2 nights tour in the jungle are excluded in the package. Age's catching up and it's no laughing matter. Hope I can survive this in-camp...


tkwee said...

Yo bro, congrats on ur last ict....mr lor.....

ws said...

mine is march 07... so proud to be serving the nation.
We need to make this place safe so that foreigners can come and take over our jobs in peace